• Owen Baker Flynn Commercial [long] 12:04

  • Owen Baker Flynn Commercial [short] 11:25
  • 3:14
  • Owen Baker Flynn Commercial [long] 12:04

This was one of my favorites for a local Roto-Rooter. I was the voice of Santa Claus and I did the tag too!

Santa Claus gets stuck!

Here are links to a series of videos I did for Sam Pond and the Sierra Club. I was the voice of coal.

Coal's New Friend. 

Coal Hates Mountains.

Coal's Mud Bath.

Angry Coal.

And here's a link to some VOs I did for Cal Mediconnect: I was Pablo.

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

If you want Owen Baker-Flynn to provide you with some pretty great Voice Over work, and at this point I think you do, contact Nate Tico at Stars the Agency. (415) 421-6272

Here are my Voiceover Demos:

ISO OBF WO Contact info.mp3

In addition to awesomely funny shows, and cartoons that can't be beat, Owen Baker-Flynn also provides voice overs for games, commercials, animations, etc.