I did this one just for fun, with no real discernible purpose. 

This is one of my favorites and it's been rejected by The New Yorker 3 times! I keep subtly changing the caption, but they're never fooled by that. But I mean, COME ONNNNNN, this cartoon just reeks of appearing in The New Yorker. There's a boardroom! A graph! board members! What more could The New Yorker ask for? >sigh!<

This is one of my favorites. I thought it was a good idea and well executed. 

HERE IT IS! Ten years in the making! (I didn't work on it every day.)

Quinsigamond Saves the Day! This is my first actual book with a story and everything and it's about a fire breathing dragon with a speech impediment that saves Worcester, Massachusetts from the monsters of Purgatory Chasm and the nasty Uxbridges.

If you live in or near San Francisco, for $15 I will personally deliver it to you with a jar of my home made jam on my BICYCLE!

You can also ask me to mail it to you for $20, but no jam will be included.

As of right now, you can't get this book on Amazon, but only from me. Why? Because I'd make like 80 cents on each book, that's why really. In the spirit of full transparency, if I thought for a minute I'd sell a million books and get 80 cents for each one, it would be there. 

I also have for sale "My Second book of Cartoons!" There are some samples below. 

In 2021, my daughter Sara and I rode our bicycles across the United States, from San
Francisco, CA to Providence, RI. Although in the full spirit of disclosure, I actually rode another few miles to Seekonk, MA. I drew a cartoon almost every day and when I got home I started making them look better. This was one of them and it answers the question, "Did either of you ever crash?" This cartoon, with others will eventually appear in a collection of them all about the bike trip. 

Here's a another!

So! Contact me at owen@ob-f.com for the book. And like they say on TV, "Do it today!"